Invisalign Braces: The Invisalign System treats straightens your teeth with a series of custom-molded aligners. These clear aligners fit over the teeth and gradually straighten them. No braces or wires are used. Invisalign can be used for the most common problems for adults and teens. Before you can be a candidate for Invisalign, your tooth growth must be complete and your permanent teeth must be in. Ask your doctor if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign.
Please be aware that not all of these esthetic appliances, or removable appliances, are capable of the same precision as traditional braces themselves. In addition, some of these treatment methods, including the Invisalign system, are designed primarily for easy to moderate malocclusions in the ADULT DENTITION (or for teenagers with most of their adult teeth in place).
Developed by: Cosmic IT Networks